Shortlist of What NOT to Do While in Perimenopause

By Jian Luo M.D. •  Updated: 09/30/24 •  7 min read

Welcome to the Hormone Rollercoaster!

Ah, perimenopause! When life meets hot flashes, mood swings, and the peculiar ability to misplace your car keys in the fridge. It’s a time of transition that’s as delightful as finding a cat in your cereal. But fear not! We’re here to guide you—a bit humorously—about what NOT to do while in perimenopause. From sabotaging weight loss goals to ingesting hormone-zappers, get ready for a wild ride through the land of “Nope, don’t do that!”

Don’t Turn a Blind Eye to What Affects Your Weight

The struggle to fit into last summer’s jeans is real, and perimenopause adds a sprinkle of zest—or more like a truckload of bricks—to this challenge. If you think you can survive on late-night ice cream and skip breakfast, think again!

What Prevents Losing Weight?

Hormonal changes make losing weight trickier than solving a Rubik’s cube in the dark. Your declining estrogen levels can slow down your metabolism, making it a Herculean task to shed those extra pounds.

Instead of reaching for that quick-fix diet pill, focus on adopting long-term lifestyle changes. Healthy eating, regular exercise, and stress management should replace those midnight snack sessions. We get it—searing midnight hunger pangs are convincing—but trust us, it’s not worth the belly expansion.

Avoid Couch-Potato Syndrome: Get Moving!

During perimenopause, planting yourself on the couch for daily Netflix binges won’t do much good for your health or your mood. The harsh, unspoken truth is that those who sit, expand in width.

Pitfalls of a Sedentary Lifestyle

Sedentary behavior can lead to weight gain, muscle loss, and—gasp!—a sluggish metabolism. So, stop counting the minutes spent scrolling social media and start counting steps.

Fun Ways to Stay Active

Getting moving doesn’t mean you need a gym membership. Consider dancing in your living room, yoga, or even chasing after your dog like a deranged squirrel. Active play keeps you moving without making it feel like a chore.

Oh, and here’s a trick: Join a group class. When you’re too embarrassed to quit amidst your peers, you’ll stick to it. Peer pressure has its perks!

Say No to Emotional Eating

We’ve all been there—reaching for a bucket of fried chicken when emotions decide to throw a party in our minds. Emotional eating can sabotage your goals faster than you can say “extra fries.”

The Link Between Emotions and Overeating

Perimenopausal hormone fluctuations can put your emotions on a trampoline, bouncing between elation and despair. This emotional chaos often tempts you to indulge in comfort foods, only to regret it later.

How to Manage Emotional Cravings

Before giving in to those cravings, take a moment to assess your emotions. Are you really hungry, or just sad? Distract yourself with activities like reading a book, gardening, or calling a friend. Cravings often disappear as quickly as they emerged.

Healthier Snack Alternatives

Stock up on healthier snacks like carrot sticks, yogurt, and nuts. They are satisfying and won’t dunk your mood lower. Remember, guilt-free munchies make for happier groovy transitions!

Steer Clear of Foods and Drinks That Lower Hormonal Levels

Believe it or not, some foods and drinks can turn your hormonal rollercoaster into a full-blown wreck.

Identifying Culprit Foods and Drinks

Processed foods, sugary beverages, and alcohol are the usual suspects. These delightfully tempting treats can throw your hormones into a downward spiral. Imagine running into an old friend who now uses the same jokes—they just won’t help anymore.

Impact on Your Body

These hormone busters can mess with your body’s delicate balance, making symptoms like mood swings and weight gain even worse. Yes, the universe can be profoundly cruel sometimes.

Tasty Alternatives

Fear not, taste-bud warriors! Look towards whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. They nourish your body without wreaking havoc on your hormonal orchestra. Drink herbal teas and lots of water to stay hydrated and balanced.

Stop Ignoring Sleep: It’s Not for the Weak

Stay with us on this one—the allure of binge-watching your favorite show until 3 a.m. might be irresistible, but your body begs for mercy and some restful slumber.

Importance of Sleep

Sleep is like a magical elixir with the power to balance your hormones, repair tissues, and refresh your mind. Ignoring it is akin to purposely misplacing your sanity (which you shouldn’t do, just in case it wasn’t clear).

Tips for Improving Sleep

Opt for a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends. Create a relaxing bedtime routine involving calming activities like reading or taking a warm bath. Keep your bedroom cool and dark to combat those night sweats.

Sleep and Weight Loss Connection

Believe it or not, lack of sleep can hinder weight loss efforts. Sleep helps regulate appetite-controlling hormones, so neglecting it is like trying to drive a car with no gas—stationary and frustrating.

Don’t Be a Stranger to Your Doctor

Your doctor is not a mind-reader—regular checkups are essential. They can help you navigate the hormonal maelstrom of perimenopause.

The Importance of Regular Checkups

Scheduled visits enable you to track your hormone levels, discuss any unusual symptoms, and update or change your treatment plan. Thinking she can diagnose you via telepathy? Think again.

What to Discuss

Bring up your concerns about symptoms like irregular periods, weight gain, and mood changes. Your doctor can offer medically-sound advice instead of you googling symptoms and thinking you’re turning into a pumpkin.

Avoid Guesswork

Self-diagnosing and ignoring professional help is like playing Russian roulette with your health. Get a precise diagnosis to make informed choices about treatments and lifestyle changes. It’s a self-care, not a DIY project.

And That’s a Wrap on Perimenopause Don’ts!

Navigating the twisted jungle of perimenopause can feel like herding cats with a laser pointer. But armed with humor and the right knowledge, you’ll dodge those unnecessary pitfalls. Remember, shifting gears during this phase isn’t about quick fixes or drastic measures—it’s about smart choices and quirky wisdom. So, avoid these top “don’ts” and embrace a smoother ride through the perimenopausal tunnel!

Perimenopause Puzzlers: FAQs Unveiled

Is perimenopause the same as menopause?

Perimenopause is the phase leading up to menopause when hormonal changes start to occur, but you haven’t completely stopped menstruating.

What prevents losing weight during perimenopause?

Hormonal imbalances, slower metabolism, and lifestyle factors can all contribute to difficulty in shedding those pesky pounds.

Are there specific foods and drinks that lower hormonal levels?

Yes, certain processed foods, sugary beverages, and alcohol can negatively impact your hormonal balance. Stick to whole foods and hydration that support your body’s needs.

How can I manage emotional eating during perimenopause?

Identify triggers, have healthy snacks on hand, and practice mindful eating techniques to help curb emotional eating tendencies.

Why is sleep so crucial during perimenopause?

Sleep helps regulate hormones, supports metabolism, and boosts overall health, making it vital for managing perimenopausal symptoms.

How often should I see my doctor during perimenopause?

Regular checkups are essential. Aim for at least once a year, or more frequently if you’re experiencing significant changes or concerns.


Mayo Clinic – In-depth information about perimenopause.

Harvard Health – Understanding the difference between perimenopause and menopause.

WebMD – Symptoms and lifestyle tips during menopause.

Jian Luo M.D.